Thirty Local Historic Reasons to Vote for David Drew and Keep the Tories Out
1. The Diggers and their Slimbridge Civil War community and those who supported them in Stroud and the Five Valleys
2. The Parliamentarians imprisoned in Painswick Church
3. The growers of Nicotiana Rustica who defied both King and Cromwell
4. Those who took direct action for a ‘moral economy’ against high food prices in Stroud and the Five Valleys
5. Those cloth-workers who took direct action against low wages and long hours in Stroud and the Five Valleys
6. Those who opposed slavery
7. Those who took direct action against the game laws
8. Those who opposed enclosure
9. Those who took direct action against turnpike tolls
10. Those who were transported
11. Those who supported Chartist demands for democracy
12. Those who were forced to emigrate
13. Those who opposed the workhouse
14. Those who opposed the exploitation of children
15. Those who supported the legalization of trade unions
16. Those who supported the cooperative movement
17. Those who, like William Morris, were alert early to environmental degradation
18. Those who opposed imperial aggrandizement
19. Those who opposed wars of aggrandizement
20. Those who supported votes for women
21. Those who supported free education, pensions and healthcare
22. Those who supported the General Strike
23. Those who opposed fascism
24. Those who suffered and made the ultimate sacrifice in two world wars
25. Those who voted for a Welfare State and a planned economy
26. Those who opposed racism
27. Those who supported the Equal Pay Act
28. Those who opposed sexism
29. Those who opposed apartheid
30. Those who opposed Thatcherism n all its guises
31. Those who supported gay rights