Stroud Walking Football and the Heavens

Ye Stroude Walking Football and Ye Heavens

 It is reported that members of Ye Stroude Walking Footballe intend to gather for a ramble of Ye Heavens on Sunday October 27th (the happie daye when ye sun dialles go back an houre) at eleven o’clocke of the morning for an houre’s strolle and disquisition on ye historye of Ye Heavens before retiring to ye publicke house knowne as Ye Crowne and Sceptre. Althoughe footballe matches have been utilised by ye labouring classes to expresse their oppositionne to enclosure’s march of progresse by ye tearing downe of hedges and fences, the purpose of Ye Stroude Walking Footballe’s meetinge is for an antiquarianne perigrinationne and ye raising of ye fundes for the purchase of shares so as to save Ye Heavens for ye Publicke. Maye Godde preserve such goodlie kickers of the pigge’s bladdere.

It is reported that ye goalkeeper of Ye Stroude Walking Footballe has said that he shall rewarde those who showe their faces by ‘buyinge ye firste rounde.’ And maye Godde save suche generous custodians of ye onione bagge.