On Seeing The Grave of Sir Fabian Ware at Amberley

On the surface, it all seems quite equal,
The Great War cemeteries and gravestones:
Identical – uniform – symbolic –
Equality of sacrifice in death;

But a different story lies beneath:
Officers: seasoned wood for their coffins,
And lids that were carefully screwed down;
Men and other ranks: had unseasoned wood,
And lids that were brusquely nailed and hammered;

1918 saw the vote given to some women –
But not the canary girls and phossie jaws,
They had to wait another ten years –
But also some five and a half million men:
Only 60% of males had the vote
When war broke out for King and Country.

On the surface, it all seems quite equal,
The Great War cemeteries and gravestones:
Identical – uniform – symbolic –
Equality of sacrifice in death;

But a different story lies beneath:
Officers: seasoned wood for their coffins,
And lids that were carefully screwed down;
Men and other ranks: had unseasoned wood,
And lids that were brusquely nailed and hammered;

1918 saw the vote given to some women –
But not the canary girls and phossie jaws,
They had to wait another ten years –
But also some five and a half million men:
Only 60% of males had the vote
When war broke out for King and Country.

Upstairs, Downstairs:

All those men over the age of twenty-one,
Giving their lives for King and Country,
All those eighteen year olds,
Giving their lives for King and Country,
All those women,
Giving their lives for King and Country,

Stanley Baldwin on the new MPs of 1918
(‘The Khaki Election’):
“A lot of hard faced men who look as if
they had done very well out of the war.”

‘If I should die, think only this of me,
That there is some corner of a foreign field
That is forever England’ …
For there they lie:
‘Dulce et Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori.’