John Clare and the Swing Riots
A poetic and historical walk and talk with Stuart Butler, Johnny Fluffypunk and Bill Jones,
Tuesday 14th April 6-8pm
SVA, 4 John Street, Stroud GL5 2HA
Starting at SVA John Street followed by the Goods Shed with an explanatory, contextualising talk from Stuart Butler and Johnny Fluffypunk. The walk will then proceed along the banks of the Frome to walk up through Rodborough Fields to Rodborough Common, with poems in the landscape from Bill Jones et al and more historical context.
A question, if you could be so kind:
Have you done any work on the hangings at Gloucester Gaol in December 1677
of food rioters from Stroudwater?
If not, I will share with you when I have looked into it.
NB Apr 2016