Bath Walks on the Legacies of Slavery

A message from Richard White:
Greeting walkers,
A good days walking on Sunday. Somewhat overwhelmed with stuff to think about and so many metaphors I am exhausted!
Here is an instantblog posting for starters:

Follow the route, the tweets and pics for my brief enchantment with the steam railway in which I wandered up the wrong side of the river for a while and finally headed back to catch up with Viv.

The brass, the copper, the cloth, the chocolate, the eels, reggae and rastafarian heroes, coal, zinc, plastic, people, water…so much so much…empire and the Atlantic trade keeps the thought cycle on its legacies turning.

So the next walk I would like to invite you to is
on Sunday May 1 to walk from Avonmouth to Bristol. sensing legacies of slave ownership…what came up the river?…sugar…ways of seeing…tobacco…ideas … music…

any idea about how we might blag a boat trip from Bristol to Bath to complete the recce of this circuit sometime in June/July?

With that in mind this looks worth checking out:

In Bath look out for Utopia/Dystopia during the Fringe in May, there will be a walk on these themes past the residencies of some of Bath’s Last Legal Slaveowners which I hope you will take part in and help make…details to follow.

…and any help/ideas/proposals for putting together funding for the whole project ….maybe sometime next year …. would be really helpful!

as ever please circulate this to anyone who you think may be interested
and if you want your address deleting from this list just let me know

Best wishes


Richard White

mob: 07717012790

tw: @walknowlive

