Bath Slavery Walk: Sunday 4th October

A message from Richard White:

This walk will mash a National Trust walk with some of the data from the Legacy of Slavery database plus anything else anyone contributes! Hope you can make it and do share with anyone you think may be interested. 

This is the beginning of an experiment I want to run over the coming year exploring a few ideas around walking, place, heritage, body, networks, enchantment and disenchantment. I thought you might be interested in playing along, maybe walking too!

Walknow: walking out 1     Sunday 4 October 10.00

Meet: 10.00 am Outside 44AD Gallery and Artists Studios

4 Abbey Street Bath BA1 1NN

(the corner of Abbey near where the Centurion used to stand)

Time: approx 2 hours..ish

more details here:

Please circulate this to anyone who you think maybe interested!  The plan is to do this monthly regardless of the weather sometimes a short one sometime a long one always offering a bit of a challenge. Let me know if you want me to take your name of the list…and if you have received this as a forward please let me know if you want me to add your name!

best wishes



Richard White

Associate Lecturer: Creative Media Practice and Heritage
School of Humanities and Cultural Industries

PhD student: walking practices, social media, heritage


Now We Are Walking

Forced Walks project

RiverWalk project

Richard White portfolio


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Newton Park, Newton St Loe, Bath, BA2 9BN