An A to Z of People at Work in Gloucestershire
in the late 18th and early 19th Centuries:
The professions and jobs and sometimes status
Of those who were transported
When I look out of my window I descry
The following on their way to Van Diemen’s Land
and to New South Wales:
An accountant, an apothecary, an ash-carrier,
an attorney-at-law, and an awl-blade maker;
Followed by
A baker, a baker’s boy, a barber, a bargeman,
A basket-maker, a billy-spinner, a blacking-maker,
A blacksmith, a boatman, a boiler-maker, a brass-founder,
A brazier, a bricklayer, a brick-maker, a brush-maker,
A brush maker’s apprentice, a burler, and a butcher;
Next in line:
A cabinet-maker, a calf-dealer, a carpenter,
A carpet-weaver, a carrier, a carver, a chair-maker,
A chimney sweep, a clerk, a clock- and watch-maker,
A clock-cleaner, a cloth dresser, a cloth-factory man,
A clothier, a clothing-mill boy, a cloth-mill worker,
A cloth-rower, a cloth-worker, a coach-horse tender,
A coach-painter, a coach-plater, a coach-smith,
A coal miner, a collar-maker, a collier,
A colt-breaker, a comb-maker, a confectioner,
A cooper, a cordwainer, a cork-cutter,
A cotton-spinner, and a cutler;
Then this queue:
A dealer, a dealer in marine stores, a deserter,
A donkey-driver, a draper, a dress-maker,
A drummer in the militia;
Succeeded by this procession:
An earthenware dealer, an East India Company member,
An edge-toolmaker, an engine-maker, an errand boy;
Then this column:
A farmer, a Fenceler (Royal Marines), a field blacksmith,
A file-cutter, a fireman, a fish- and bacon-carrier,
A fish- and orange-carrier, a fish-carrier, a fisherman,
A fishmonger, a flock-dresser, a fly-man,
A framework-knitter;
In the rear of those:
A gardener, a Gentleman, a gig-mill worker,
A glazier, a glover, a grocer, a groom, a gunsmith, a gypsy;
Then a sinuous line:
A hairdresser, a handle-setter, a harness-maker,
A hatter, a haulier, a hawker, a hawker of hardware,
A haggler, A horse-dealer, A horse-doctor,
A horse-keeper, A hurdle-maker;
Then in quick two step:
A japanner and a joiner;
Followed by this quintet:
Labourer, lace-factory worker, lawyer, leather-dresser, lemon-carrier;
And then a longer row:
A marine, a mason, a merchant, a merchant seaman,
A metal-smith, a militia-man, a milliner, a miller, a millman,
A millman and cloth rower, a millwright, a mole catcher,
A miner, a mortar-boy, a moulder in foundry, a musician;
Then a trio:
A nailer, a nail-maker, a navigator;
Then a singular
Oyster- and cider-seller;
Followed by this chain:
A painter, a paper-maker, a pargeter, a pensioner,
A pedlar, a pig-dealer, a pipe-maker, a plane-maker,
A plasterer, a plumber and glazier, a porter, a post-boy,
A potter, and a prostitute;
And a then this string:
A rag-gatherer, a razor-grinder, a recruit for the army,
A ribbon-weaver, a rifle corps member, a rope-maker,
A rope-spinner, and a rowling-slitter;
And then this motley:
A sack-weaver, a saddler, a sail-maker, a sailor,
A sawyer, a scamp and bone picker, a scribbler, a seaman,
A servant, a shearer, a shearman, a shepherd, a shoe-binder, a shoe-maker, A shop-keeper, a silk-weaver, a slater and plasterer, a smith,
A smelter, a soap-boiler, a soldier, a spinner, a sprig-maker,
A stable boy, a stenciller, a stocking-maker, a stocking weaver,
A stock-worker, a stone-cutter, a stone mason,
A straw- and hay-dealer, a straw- bonnet maker, a surgeon, a sweep;
Then this cavalcade:
A tailor, a tailoress, a tailor’s apprentice, a tanner,
A tea-dealer’s clerk and traveller, a thatcher; a tile-maker,
A tinker, a tin-man, a tramp(er), a traveller, a traveller with an ass,
A traveller with fruit etc., a traveller with hardware,
A turner and filer, a twine-spinner;
Coming up the rear:
An upholsterer;
A volunteer for the army;
And finally:
A washerwoman, a waterman, a weaver,
A wheelwright, a whitesmith, a wire-drawer,
A wood-dealer, a wood-sawyer, a woolsorter.
This is, of course, not the number of people transported,
But a list of the professions and jobs
and sometimes status of those transported.
But it is a window on a lost world.